Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering September 11th, 2001

Alan Jackson sings ... "Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day" ...

September 11, 2001 started as a normal day for Mike and me. I was home working, he was driving to Miami for a job at a Federal Building in Miami.

That morning I was home working, I remember wanting to get an early start. Normally I turn on the tv to watch the Today Show, but for some reason I didn't that day. About 9:00 or so my (then) brother-in-law James called and asked me if I was watching tv. I told him no, and he told me to turn it on because America was under attack. I remember watching as Katie, Matt & Al were talking, confused and dazed. I remember them saying a horrible accident has happened a small plane has crashed into the World Trade Center. Soon, everyone realized it was not a small plane, as a second airliner crashed into the other tower.

I remember the confusion and speculation ... no one knew what was going on.

I just remember thanking God that Mike wasn't flying that day.

There were many reports of different attacks ... unconfirmed.

I called Mike over and over, but couldn't get him on his cell phone. Finally reaching him I told him what was going on. I wanted him to come home, and almost immediately the Federal Building in which he was working was evacuated.

Mike said it was crazy on the roads that day ... they opened all the toll roads, so everyone could move more quickly.

Then ... watching as the towers fell ... pure horror.

Seeing the people running for their lives and thinking of those still in the buildings ... unimaginable.

It was such a scary day ... not knowing what was going on ... when it would end. I could not take watching tv anymore, so I turned it off and went and sat out by the pond with Wyatt for hours, until Mike got home.

After September 11th, I remember only one word could explain what I wanted to do ... simplify. I remember seeing American flags waving, flag stickers on cars, Americans coming together to get through these horrific events.

Today let's all remember those who lost theirs lives on that day in September 2001.

Let's say a prayer for their families and loved ones.


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about that day. It's one none of us will ever forget. I love that Alan Jackson song.

  2. Just checking in to see how your doing.
