Sunday, September 17, 2006

I'm Back ...

I'm back online ... and it feels good.

Sometimes I wonder if I give Griffin the attention and time he deserves. This past week since I was not online much, I know I was a good Mommy ... I just feel it. It made me look at things in a new way. I love my son, and he is THE most important thing in the world to me ... and he will know that each and every day of his life.

I celebrated my 39th birthday on Thursday ... it's really hard to believe I'm 39 years old. I used to think 39 was sooooo old. I don't feel old. Sometimes I look around me and see others the same age as me. They all seem so grown up. And then I look at my life and realize, yes I am an adult. I have a family, responsibilities, things that matter.

I had to take Griffin back to the doctor on Friday (again!). He again was not acting like himself, laying around, a slight cough, and fever (101). Mostly we thought it was because he was teething, but on Friday I could really tell he didn't feel good so I took him back to the doctor. Another ear infection. Ten days ago we were at the doctor for his 18 month old checkup and he had an ear infection then. The doctor gave us a prescription for an antibiotic but told me not to have it filled unless I really thought we needed it ... so I didn't have it filled. Now, I wish I had. We thought the ear infection would go away by itself ... apparently it didn't. So ... he's back on antibiotic and hopefully on his way to recovery.

Thursday my friend Melinda gave me a book for my birthday titled "The Five People You Meet In Heaven". I read it last night, it was only 190 pages ... and I'm a fast reader. It was the BEST book I've ever read in my life. It got me to thinking ... just how do I affect others lives that I touch? You just never know. I've never had a book make such an impact on my thinking like this one has. If you have a chance, pick up a copy.

This morning, I woke up with a positive outlook on life ...

We've heard this saying before ... but today I'm really feeling it ...

TODAY is the first day of the rest of my life.


  1. This post just made me smile. I feel your peace and happiness in it. I will have to get me a copy of that book.
    I hope Griffin fights off that nasty old ear infection quick....poor little guy.
    Happy Birthday!!!!!! I will be 39 in March and I don't feel old either, so I know exactly what you's just strange.
    So nice to "see" you! and you are a GREAT mom!!!

  2. Missy you are a great person and a SUPER MOM from everything I have ever read on your blog. Griffin is SO LUCKY to have you. I wish I could have been that great when mine were little. It's hard when you have 3 little ones at a time.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! Wow, I'm 41 and I'm like you I ready don't feel it. It’s really funny that when you are young especially a teen how you think that our ages is OLD, but when you finally get to our ages you find out that 40ish is not OLD at all. My kids think I'm old, HA HA if they only knew.....I might be their mom and I'm NOT any where near being OLD.......I have a funny story but I can't share it on here I'll tell you at another time........

    I hope you all get the ear infection under control, it’s not fun. My daughter, Julianne, had a ton of problems with her ears and tubes by 1 year old. Seems like she still does on occasion and she is 21.

    Thanks for sharing your great post today.

