Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Little Back To Normal ...

Things are beginning to feel a little back to normal now.

Mike came home from his business trip yesterday afternoon. He did not have to go to the office ... that was very nice ... he just worked here at home. I think this trip was a little harder on everyone than normal. We are used to having Mike travel, however having him leave so soon after loosing Wyatt was very hard.

Last night was Mike's first night at home without Wyatt. We talked alot about it and he said the house seems so vacant. And he's right ...

Then of course when it was time to head upstairs for bed, it felt strange ... again ... it was always Daddy that took Wyatt for a walk before heading upstairs for the evening. Instead we just walked up the stairs and went straight to bed ... strange feeling.

Griffin was acting different yesterday too.

I gave him an early morning bath because yesterday was "Mommy & Me Gym Time" and wanted to have him all ready before heading downstairs.

When we got downstairs he started laying on the floor ... he does this sometimes because he will take the quilt off of the couch and snuggle here and there. But I thought it strange he did this so early in the morning, and without the quilt. He just seemed out of sorts yesterday. He did play, run, jump and have a good time and Mommy & Me ... acting normal. He fell asleep in the car on the way home and I managed to get him into bed without waking him. He took a good 3 hour nap, but when he woke up he still acted tired. He would act "normal" (running/jumping/playing) and then do the laying around thing. Hopefully he will feel better today.

1 comment:

  1. You know...even though Griffin is so young, he does notice that Wyatt is missing. He's been there everyday of his life, so it's understandable for him to be feeling a bit out of sorts and sad. (((hugs to all of you)))
