Friday, August 25, 2006


I have a confession to make ...

I am afraid of Frogs ... not just AFRAID of them ... but DEATHLY SCARED of them. I've had this phobia of frogs ever since I can remember. Growing up in Florida, they are every where. You know those bright green, grimey, slimey tree frogs?

Open your car door, you will find a frog.

Get in the shower, you will find a frog (sometimes).

Open the front door, frog ... right there on the door knob.

I am NOT kidding ...

So ... when we move to Virginia I think my frog problem will be solved.

It was .... until this morning.

Do you see this little guy that Mike is holding?????
He just about gave me a HEART ATTACK this morning.

I was in the bathroom this morning and went to raise the lid ... well ... right there ON the toilet seat ... in our UPSTAIRS bathroom is the hugest, ugliest, biggest eyed FROG I have ever seen.

Mike was taking a shower and I screamed ... he's yelling at me asking me what was wrong, he thought I hurt myself ... I'm like Oh my GAWD there is a FROG on our toilet. Quick ... get out of the shower and get it out of this house. He tells me he is going to finish his shower and he will get it then.

So ... I'm standing in the bedroom watching every little move this FROG is making because I want to make sure Mike can find it. Well ... Mike finally got out of the shower, dressed, retrieved the FROG, showed him to Griffin and proceeded downstairs to take him outside.

How on EARTH did a FROG get in our UPSTAIRS bathroom???????

I don't care ... as long as they stay outside from now on.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Missy, This is too funny, I love your story about your frog issue. You aren't going to believe this, but I love those little guys, even green little lizards and such. I've even taken a couple of pictures of the lizards that we have around our house and I was thinking about doing a post about them. Oh and one other thing, one night right after Rita, my dad called me and want me to rush over with my digital, Well needless to say they found one of those slimy green tree frogs right on the window of their FEMA trailer. You would not believe it but it was the size of a playing card. LOL. Sorry to freak you out but I just had to tell you about him.

    On another note, I’ve been meaning to tell you that I’m so sorry to hear about Wyatt. Its funny how gods furry creations find such a BIG I mean “HUGE” spot in our human hearts. I’ve been thinking about you ever since I read your post a couple of days ago. Stay strong and things will get better with each passing day.

    Take Care,
