Monday, July 24, 2006

This 'N That

Just thought I would post some thoughts today ... I'm a bit overwhelmed.

This weekend Griffin started tugging at his ears and was quite fussy. So, this morning I took him to the pediatrician and he has an infection in each ear ... more antibiotics ... another 2 hour wait in the pediatrician's office, plus it's an hour drive there and back, then on to the pharmacy, and had to get groceries. I'm just exhausted ... didn't get home until 3:00 pm ... and really ... I just want to go to sleep.

I guess it could be because I'm PMSing ... or perhaps because the dag'um birds wake me up every morning at 5:00 am. Anyway ... no nap for G today ... it's too late, maybe he will go to bed early.

I don't know what I'm cooking for dinner ... chicken something. I've layed out chicken and I'm sure I will be able to come up with something. Faghitas? Spinach Chicken? Stir Fry? I just don't know ... and no one else will tell me what they want.

My inlaws left on Saturday ... it was so nice having them visit ... and it was great fun having them around ... but really I can get NOTHING done while they are here. It's just nice having the house back to normal ... less food to cook, fewer dishes to wash ... and we get our chairs back in the living room ... and I guess Mike can take the leaf out of the kitchen table to make more room in there again.

I just feel completely OVERWHELMED! I can't seem to get caught up on my scrapbooking orders ... and I feel really bad about that.

I think I have a solution that I am implementing on Tuesday.

I'm going to start working on the kitchen table while Griffin is awake. That way I don't have to worry about him grabbing stuff from my work table ... and Harley is going to help me. It will be sooooooooooo nice to get caught up on my orders. I'll just have to clear the table before lunch and dinner each day. Honestly, it's the only way I can think of getting things done. And I think it will work.

Such a down post today ... but it's how I'm feeling ... tomorrow is sure to be a BRIGHTER day.

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