Friday, July 21, 2006

It's Friday Again & A Wyatt Update

I can hardly believe it's Friday again ... where did the last week go? It's so hard to get anything done when you have family visiting. I guess I will have to "surrender" to the fact that nothing will be accomplished until Monday. Although I've been working (as much as possible, but not nearly enough) ... I feel like I've gotten NOTHING done.

Any hoooooooo ....

It's been a month since we first found out Wyatt has kidney failure. I thought I would give an update on how he's doing. This is a picture Mike took of Wyatt and me the other not ... I can't believe I'm sharing this picture because it is HORRIBLE ... but it's one of very few of just Wyatt and me.

He seems to be doing okay. We are continuing the water therapy every other day, along with antibiotics and Pepcid AC. He's still not eating very much, but he's drinking lots and lots of water. He is still getting around, even running after a squirrel yesterday. Maybe God has decided to give us more time with him.


  1. Give Wyatt a BIG hug and a kiss from me!!
    Love always,

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Cosmo, Max and Miss Piggy are glad to hear that their cousin Dwight is doing better....also, I am going to try that corn recipe this week for supper. Tell Griffin and Harley and Mike that the kin-folks in Polk County sed howdy
