Saturday, February 04, 2017

Our Visit To Philadephia, Pennsylvania

We had a wonderful day in Philadelphia! Vice President Pence was in town today and we saw him as his motorcade passed by us! We visited the Benjamin Franklin Museum, First US Post Office started by Ben Franklin, the Printing Press & Bindery, Christ Church where the Washington and Franklin families worshiped, Ben Franklin's grave, Independence Hall, and the Liberty Bell. We also enjoyed an authentic Philly Cheesesteak at Sonny's Famous Steaks.

Independence Hall - where the founders of our country gathered to debate and adopt the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. What an incredible place to visit!
Benjamin Franklin went to and from his home through this original passage.
The Liberty Bell. I got literally got chills when we saw it!! I may have even cried a little.
XOXO my family ❤
Crossing the Benjamin Franklin Bridge from New Jersey into Pennsylvania.
Independence Hall. The park was empty because police were keeping the area clear I'm anticipation of Vice President Pence's arrival.
The site consists of the archaeological remnants of Benjamin Franklin's house and nearby buildings, "ghost" reconstruction of the buildings.
When we were at the printing press we learned a fascinating fact. The larger letters were kept in the upper case box and the smaller letters in the lower case box. The printer memorized where they were located in the 'uppercase' or 'lowercase' and that is why they are called this today.
Fascinating tour of the printing office and bindery. The park ranger demonstrated how Benjamin Franklin's printing press worked.
Really enjoyed the printing press demonstration.
Benjamin Franklin organized the first postal service and was the first post master general. The first post office was located at 316 Market Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His home was located behind the post office.
Mike and Griffin sitting in pew #58 ~ the George Washington family pew at Christ Church.
Mike and Griffin sitting in pew #70 ~ the Benjamin Franklin family pew at Christ Church.
Parishioners includes George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Betty Ross.
The grave marker of Benjamin and Deborah Franklin.
The Liberty Bell & the Glave men.
Independence Hall - Pennsylvania Supreme Court chamber.
Independence Hall - the chair at the green table by the wall was the actual chair in which George Washington sat. the carving on the back is of a sun. it could be either a rising or setting sun. George Washington sat in this chair while presiding over the Constitutional Convention in 1787. At the signing Franklin was optimistic about the document and said that now he had the happiness to know that the carving on the back was a rising, not a setting sun.
When were listening to the ranger sharing information about this room, I couldn't help but notice the way the sun was coming in the window. Our nation was founded by men who used candles to see and quills to write. Just remembering that and standing in the exact spot in which our nation was founded by these brave men is an honor and privilege.
Our family in the Independence Hall Assembly Hall.
We enjoyed an authentic Philly cheese steak sandwich at Sonny's Famous Steaks! As we were enjoying lunch we saw Vice President Pence drive by us in his motorcade.

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