Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Why We Homeschool.

This has been on my heart for some time now and I feel it's the time to share. Mike and I are asked all the time, "Why did you start homeschooling Griffin'? Our answer is simple really. Because God led us to. We feel a parent driven education with God at it's core is the absolute best education we can provide our son. I will be honest in saying, I fought it every step of the way. Until, God would not allow me to fight any longer.

I was the mother that felt like I didn't have the patience to homeschool my child. I felt like I didn't have time to homeschool my child. And, quite honestly, I didn't think I would know how to homeschool my child. You know what happened? God showed me I do have the patience, I do have the time and He leads me in the how. Mike and I prayed about it constantly for months. It was a huge decision for our family and we wanted to make sure we were following God's plan. I remember the exact moment I knew it was God's plan. I was driving down 522, I had been praying about it while I was driving and suddenly I just knew it was the absolute right decision for our son. I knew it was His plan for our family. After our decision was already made, several situations at his former school occurred, and we were reassured by our decision.

I'm so grateful we are allowed this opportunity to educate our son at home. It's not always easy. Some days are hard. But, there are far more very good days then the few hard days in the mix. We use a wonderful Christian based curriculum and Griffin loves it. We enjoy hands on learning, we take field trips, we travel, we serve our community, we find ways to learn things outside the box and we have a lot of fun.

It brings us joy to know our son has time to not only receive a wonderful education, but he also has time to be a kid ~ he has time to play, to read, to spend time with family & friends and time to enjoy his own personal interests.

I am so, so grateful God led our family to homeschool Griffin. It is one of the absolute BEST decisions we have ever made!

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