Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I Can't Find Elfie

The truth is I am unable to find Elfie ~ Griffin has asked about him a few times so I thought I better do something, quick! So, Elfie is 'here' until he can be seen. I picked up two sets of this Charlie Brown Christmas book/plush at Kohl's. Griffin shared one at the Cub Scout Party last night with the Marines Toys for Tots. He has no idea I got him one too.

This is Elfie's note to Griffin:

Good morning Griffin,

You haven't seen me this year but that doesn't mean I'm not here. I'm keeping a watchful eye out to report back to Santa and will reveal myself soon. Keep doing well in school, read a lot, clean your room and be a good listener.

I like this Christmas ornament you made last night at the Cub Scout Party.


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