Monday, April 09, 2012

Me And G.

It's rare I get a picture of Griffin and me together as I am usually the one behind the camera.

The other day we were working in the yard and then took a break on the porch. Mike snapped this picture of us together.

But, here's the true story ...

{I can't believe I'm sharing this}

Mike actually tried to get a picture of Griffin, Jasper, Oliver and me. Well, Jazzy and Ollie would not fully participate. And, well ... just look at what I'm wearing. My torn up, paint covered sweat pants and my stained from working in the yard shirt.

All it took was a little photo editing and waaaalaaaa ... the first photo in which I was happy to share. =)

1 comment:

  1. Doesn' matter what you're wearing or if the dogs's all about the love. And there's always a ton of that at your home. Great picture, though, both of them.
