Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Jasper & Oliver!

If you've read my blog before you may know we adopted Jasper in May. And then in July we adopted his brother Oliver.

They are two of the cutest puppies you will ever see ... and they are like night and day.

Just look at this picture ... they do not even look alike!

Griffin has introduced them to his little purple pool ...

For the past few days they have been getting in it all by themselves to cool off

Of course a game of "chase our favorite boy" is always fun too ...

And once you go one way you must go the other ...

I believe this picture of Oliver and Jasper in action shows exactly how much fun they are!

This is a picture of Oliver ... he's the layed back and sweet one. He actually was still long enough for me to get a picture. His brother Jasper ... the spunky and feisty one was probably off running in the woods at this very moment.

We are so glad they are now part of our family ... we love you boys!


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    They are cute pups or "furkids" as my friend calls hers:)

  2. I love all those pics with Griffin with the puppies. You just know they are going to be life long friends.
