Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kindergarten Career Day!

It was Career Day in Mrs. G's kindergarten class and Griffin chose to be ...

A train conductor just like on the Polar Express!

To create his costume we made a conductor hat and tie out of cardstock. He wore a white shirt and jeans. And his good friend Sam lent him the jacket.

We created "golden" tickets for him to share with the class and he took a hole punch to validate each of his classmate's tickets.

On the scheduled Career Day he was actually home sick from school. He had a sinus infection and missed two days. He was very sad to miss the actual day. But, his amazingly sweet teacher emailed me and asked could Griffin bring his Career Day outfit to school the following week.

I had one happy little boy on my hands as he left for school that day!

1 comment:

  1. He looks just like a train conductor. Great job on the costume. And how awesome is his teacher for allowing him to still participate, even though it was a week later.
