Monday, March 28, 2011

He Lost His 2nd Tooth ... In The LEGOS!

For the past few days Griffin's tooth has been very loose and he couldn't wait for it to come out!
It finally did on Saturday morning!

See that little white speck in the lower right hand corner?
That's the tooth. It fell right out of his mouth and straight into the Lego box.

No worries ... Daddy retrieved it with a pair of tweezers.

He decided to write the Tooth Fairy a letter to ask her if she could possibly leave his tooth for him so he could take it to show-and-tell at school. The Tooth Fairy happily agreed to his request leaving his tooth, five dollars and a note at the bottom of his letter. He was SO happy!


  1. Missy,

    Love this message about your son and his not to the tooth fairy. That is a scrapbooking moment! He is a cutie...


  2. AWESOME!!!! On all counts.
