Friday, January 07, 2011

The BEST Gift Of All.

First of all ... I just can't believe I haven't blogged about this yet.

When we were in Florida my brother Jerome and sister-in-law Bonnie surprised me with a wonderful gift.

This beautiful mushroom canister was hand painted by my mother. Bonnie and Jerome thought I might like to have it. They were right ... I LOVE IT!

Here's a better picture ... I remember going to the ceramic store over in Auburndale when I was a little girl. I'm pretty sure Momma painted this there. It now sits proudly on my kitchen counter.

They also surprised me with these. This was a set of Momma's Sara Coventry jewelry. If I remember correctly my cousin Pam gave this to Bonnie and Jerome and they gave it to me.

You just do not know how very much these things mean to me. I will treasure them always. I will take good, good care of them.

Thank you Bonnie and Jerome for giving me the BEST gift ever!


  1. What a sweet and thoughtful gift! I know you will treasure it!

  2. You are so welcome Missy. You of all people should have your Momma's treasures. We knew you would love and appreciate them. Love you!

  3. Anonymous5:37 PM

    How nice it was for them to give your momma's treasures to you :)

  4. What a wonderful thing for Bonnie to do! I know how you feel about having some of your Mother's things.
    When I made ceramics years ago (early 80's) I made my mother a set of mushroom coffee mugs, the matching creamer and sugar and a cookie jar. (mushrooms were THE thing back then) I also made her a large ceramic Christmas tree. Stef still has the tree and I have the mushroom set. We both cherish them.
