Monday, November 15, 2010

Up, Up & Away!

We spent a little time here yesterday ...

Mike and Griffin enjoyed some very special father/son time flying.

Of course Daddy was pilot (Mike has his private pilot's license) and Griffin was buckled in to be co-pilot.

All geared up and ready to go ... doesn't Griffin look like an "official" pilot here?

Taxi'ing over to the runway ...

... and there they go!

Aren't the fall colors beautiful on the trees?

Mike said Griffin had alot of questions and alot to say on the flight. The last one he barely said a word.

After their flight it's time to tie the airplane down. Griffin is giving Daddy direction to the tie down.

And here's my heart ... Mike and Griffin.

Love you guys!


  1. That is Soooo Cool! What a great hing for them to have to share together. Griffin is growing up so fast! Thanks for sharing I know you cried when they went up. I would have as a matter of fact I did the first time mark went up, only cuz I'm a softie when it comes to my boy!

  2. How awesome is that to have a Daddy who can really FLY?!?! Griffin is a lucky little boy! I am sure Mike is great at flying, but I would have been so nervous watching my boys go up in a plane without me! Did Mommy get to ride at some point too?

  3. how fun! lovely pictures!

  4. Looks like fun I would be horrified because I am terrified to fly guess I am a wuss but it looks like G was having him a ball with Daddy flying him around in the air:)

  5. It's great that Griffin has no fear and isn't afraid to fly with Daddy. This will give them so many wonderful memories. And the fall colors are just beautiful. So does Mommy ever get to fly?

  6. Anonymous7:33 PM

    That is really nice that they can share that, but I have one question. Have you gone flying with Mike? I don't recall you ever blogging about it.

    I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving!

    June B
