Friday, November 05, 2010

Remembering & Knowing Family.

Growing up I feel like I didn't know most of my mother's side of the family very much even though they lived in close proximity to us. After she passed away I'm not really sure what happened but we just didn't see them very much. Of course my Uncle and Aunt that lived behind us we saw often. They had three daughters and we were all close in age.

My father's side of the family lived in Alabama and I think we may have visited them once or twice that I can remember. So in reality I know next to nothing about them.

So, it's so wonderful now to be part of the Facebook community. I have reconnected with many of my cousins and it's wonderful. My cousin Tim has researched our family tree and he has shared so much information and pictures.

This is a picture that he shared with me this morning. It's from September 22, 1919. On my Grandparent's wedding day. Richard and Bessie Mae Powell. They are pictured with my Great Grandparents George and Lucy.

My Grandaddy Richard died in the 1950's, even before my brother Jerome was born. My Granny Bessie lived until 1977. She lived a year longer than my Momma did.

When Timmy sent this picture to me I had chills. It's so wonderful to FINALLY know things about my ancestors.

I've learned some things about my Momma too that I never would have know. They may seem like silly things to care about but it's allowing me to know more about the woman my Momma was. For instance, in some of the pictures Tim has shared other cousins have commented the dress Granny is wearing is the dress Momma bought her for Grandaddy's funeral. In another someone made a comment about Granny having a telephone. They said that Momma had the telephone put in for her. See, things that demonstrate what a kind, loving person she was.

My cousin Pam made a comment the other day that I remind her of Momma. That just made my day. It fills me with love and pride to know that I may have just an inkling of the woman she was inside of me.

I thank God everyday for the blessings he has provided me and for the ability he gave me to get to know my extended family.


  1. It is wonderful to be in touch with family and FB has been a big part of it. I'm reconnecting with family too. However I know it's more meaningful to you because it helps you to know your Momma better.

  2. I know how you feel Missy. Although I knew both my parents I only met my Grandma (mom's) once. She lived in KY and traveled to CA for my Mom's 60th Birtday. I was in my early 30's when I met her...she died the following year. My Dad was a 'change of life baby, his mother was in her early 50's when he was born. Both of his parents died before I was born. His brother's and sisters were all older than he and I never met any of them. I did meet my Mom's brother and sister a couple of times, but we were never close. I've never met any cousins. So I know how you feel learning and connecting with extended family. I really believe that your Momma is looking down and is so very proud of the woman you've become.
