Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bunk Beds!

Back in June 2008 you may recall Griffin graduated from his crib to his "big boy bed on THIS POST

Well he was getting taller and just about to outgrow his "big boy" bed

So, it was time for Daddy and Griffin to dismantle it and get a new bed!

After a couple of hours of following directions, putting everything together and a little Mickey Mouse'n around by Griffin ...

His bunk beds are finally together!

He snuggled in for the evening and enjoyed a peaceful sleep in his new bed.

He was SO ready for a new bed and enjoys it very much!


  1. Anonymous11:52 AM

    They did a Great job!! :)

  2. I love it, I know Griffin does!

    He is really growning up! Thanks for sharing him with us :-)

  3. Bunk Beds for boys are soooo perfect. Layla has one with Rossi.....Layla on the top bunk, Rossi in her crib underneath. Layla loves it so much there are no more problems with her going to bed. I'm so glad Griffin in enjoying it. And now he can have sleep overs, lol.
