Monday, August 16, 2010

Piggy Houses.

It feels good to feel good again. After being sick with pneumonia for over two weeks I'm feeling alot better!

Last Friday was the first day I felt well enough to really do anything.

Griffin was SO ready to have a playdate. First up we met friends at Chic-Fil-A for lunch and then we came back to our house for some playtime.

We took a buggy ride down to the fields and the boys wanted to get out and run, run, run!

Our friend Carol introduced the term "piggy houses" to us. They are actually hay bales however piggy houses sounds much more whimsical. Here Griffin is getting up close and personal with a piggy house.

Of course he wanted to get on top too ...

We only have one more week of summer vacation before Griffin begins kindergarten. We are delighted to have a fun filled week planned!


  1. Piggy Houses! I love that! I'm going to teach Layla and Rossi that's what those are :) I'm so glad you are feeling better. Enjoy the last week before school starts. Love ya'll.

  2. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I'm so glad you are feeling better and you and Griffin was able to get out and have fun :)
