Monday, August 02, 2010

He's My Inspiration.

When I became a mother five years ago my life changed completely.

I had new responsibilites and a tiny little being to take care of.

There were alot of lessons learned on my part, scheduling changes and certainly alot of learning by doing.

Over these five years I have learned so many things from our son. He inspires me daily to be a better person. To be more patient. To have fun. To be the best Mommy I can be to him.

Griffin is the most amazing little boy. He's bright. He's funny. He's sweet. He's kind. He's smart. He's creative.

He *IS* my inspiration.

Give him a popsicle and a swing and he could be happy for hours.

Not only does he inspire me in my everyday life ... he also inspires my creative side. You can see "Griffin" in almost everything I make.

Thank you God for giving me the best gift you could give ... our wonderful son.

He's a blessing and he's my heart.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Awww...I Love this post :0)

  2. Great post! You can feel the love in this post.
