Friday, July 30, 2010

T-Ball ~ Trophy Night!

This is a night Griffin has been looking forward to since the first t-ball game ... trophy night!

Griffin up to bat for the first time of the game ...

Daddy giving Griffin a few pointers ...

Touching "home" after hitting the ball for the last game of the season ...

It's trophy time ...

Okay ... so maybe I shouldn't say this but I am going to anyway. When it came time to distribute or "award" the trophies they were just handed out to the kids in the boxes. I'll be honest I was a teeny bit disappointed with this. When Griffin played soccer they made a big deal of calling the kids up and recognizing them with the trophy and we could take a picture. So there ... I said it.

Moving On.

Griffin posing with Daddy and his cool t-ball trophy.

At home after the game with his trophy ... he's so proud of it.

Griffin enjoyed his first t-ball season. It was a good experience all around. He's already asking when he can play again!


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I agree they should have made a big deal of it...these guys deserve that. Do they have a "Team Mom" to organize stuff like that. I was the Team Mom when my kids played and I orhanized snacks for each practice, the tropheys and awards ceremony...You could be Team Mom next year....Ok Me and Griffen need to talk.....

  2. I agree with the whole trophy awarding too. When I coached (yes, coached) my brother Lionel's team years ago, a big deal was made out of everything, but especially the trophies. Shame on them. Maybe you can take over those responsibilities next year and make it an even more wonderful time for the kids.

  3. I agree with the whole trophy awarding too. When I coached (yes, coached) my brother Lionel's team years ago, a big deal was made out of everything, but especially the trophies. Shame on them. Maybe you can take over those responsibilities next year and make it an even more wonderful time for the kids.

  4. I agree...the way they handed out the trophy's was a bit cheesey. It's sad that he didn't get to have that "special" time of being handed the award for all to see. Hopefully next year will be better.
