Friday, July 23, 2010

T-Ball Thursday.

Last night I had one of those nights as a parent where I was so proud of my little boy ... I could just burst with joy!

This is Griffin's first t-ball season and he's learning to play the game. He's very lucky to have a team of coaches that are patient, kind and are willing to teach our litte ones the game.

Sometimes there are distractions on the field for him (such as kicking up the dirt and writing in the sand). However last night it was all about the game for Griffin ... he really payed attention and listened.

This is his official team picture ... our little t-ball player.

The coach assigned Griffin to first base last night. He listened to their direction about watching the ball, catching the ball once it was thrown to him and then finally getting the ball back to the pitcher.

Up to bat ...

He hit the ball and he's headed to first ... well looky there ... Daddy is the first base coach tonight.

Making his way to third base ...

What a game ... it was so much fun watching him learn, listen and playing the game!

When you do nice things for nice people they then do nice things for you. Last night we picked up a couple of Griffin's team mates and their Grandma and gave them a ride to the game. After I took them back home she offered me some homegrown canteloupes and corn. What a nice thing to do! Can't wait to cook the corn this weekend. =)

1 comment:

  1. Griffin looks like a natural out there. I don't blame you for being so proud. The veggies look yummy...what a nice thing to do.
