Thursday, July 01, 2010

Swimming With The Dogs.

My mother-in-law Bett has this great pond on the front part of her property.

Griffin and I were down looking at the water and getting our toes wet when I asked him if he wanted to get in the water.

He was so happy when he was able to go swimming in the pond!

I think everyone was surprised I let him do it.

The dogs were in the water too so I felt good about it and I was right there on the shore.

I think the dogs Sara, Chip and Chaz had as much fun in the water with Griffin as he did with them.

This is Chip the older of the two dogs. Sara and Chip are actually Chaz's parents. Chip kept a good eye on Griffin. When Griffin would get a little too far out I would call for him to come closer. Chip actually ushered him closer to shore. I loved that. He was looking out for our boy.

Are they playing follow the leader?

Griffin took a little bit of a break to climb up on the little boat.

Ummmmm ... I'm not so sure Chip likes pond weeds for a snack.

Every boy needs a dog ...

I think we are going to get a furry family member when Griffin begins school in the fall.


  1. I'm glad Griffin and the dogs had fun and YES I'm surprised you let him in the pond to swim. I'm not so sure I would have gotten in there with all that green stuff..YUCK!

  2. I was surprised you let him in there with all that green yuck too...but if you let him I'm sure it was safe. Love that you are thinking of getting him that "puppy" ya'll talked about awhile back. I would be nice for the whole family to have another dog in the house.

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    EWWWW Green Yuck!!!

    Griffin is all boy!! for sure :)

    I wouldn't have even stuck my baby toe in
