Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Country Living ... Oh Deer!

When I went to make this post I couldn't get that Green Acres song out of my head ...

Greeeeen Acres ... it's the place to be.
Faaaaaaaaarm living it's the life for me.

Although we do not live on a farm we do live a wonderful, peaceful country life.

We enjoy seeing the wildlife and watching nature work her magic.

The previous owner of our house planted a half dozen fruit trees out back. This is a picture of one of the pear trees. Although I consider them unedible because they are super bitter the squirrels and deer LOVE them!

I think these are plums. I took this picture when they were still green. They are bright reddish purple right now and apparently they are D.E.L.I.C.I.O.S. to the wild ones. I have actually tasted one of these. They remind me of a large grape with the same taste and texture.

See this beautiful girl? She's been visiting quite frequently lately as well as a few other deer. She's so funny to watch. She'll eat the fruit, lick her face and go back for more. She seems to be loving this little fruit buffet we are offering.

Growing up in the country is such a joy and I love that Griffin has the opportunity to experience all of this!


  1. What a wonderful interesting blog. Love how you make the reader feel as though we are "visiting" with you. :)

  2. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I sure do miss Virginia!! I Love the mountians, wild life and the SNOW :) I would lie in my graddaddy's cow pasture and watch the clouds float by. I Love smelling fresh bailed hay and freshly mowed grass and lightening bugs!! miss the lightening bugs!!!
    ok...I'm ready to visit home :)
