Monday, June 21, 2010

Garden Fresh.

There is nothing more wonderful than being able to go into our backyard garden and pick fresh vegetables.

Our garden is producing it's first little gems of goodness right now.

Just yesterday I was able to pick this little harvest of garden fresh green beans for dinner.

I washed them and snapped them and then cooked them in the crock pot all day with a little bacon seasoning.

And then at dinner I served these tasty green beans with baked pork chops and mashed potatos with mushroom gravy.



  1. I wish we could have a garden. Everything you made looked divine. My mouth is watering as we speak.

  2. OH MY I wish I had been invited for dinner Yummo!! I bet you have a huge garden? Thanks for making me hungry and it's only 2:50

  3. They look yummy! Green beans are my favorite veggie, one of the very few I eat. Daddy used to make them for me with bacon and onions..soo good.
