Friday, May 07, 2010

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

Griffin and I spotted this bird out in the yard yesterday ...

In all of my 42 years I've never seen a bird that looks like this.

He sat on top of the birdhouse for a very long time. He even let me get pretty close to him to take some pictures. Then he decided to go inside the birdhouse to eat.

This bird is called a rose breasted grosbeak. You can click
here if you would like to read a little more about the species.

The information said he was a common bird ... funny thing is ... I've never, ever seen one before yesterday.

I guess we were at the right place at the right time.

Happy Mother's Day Weekend ...


  1. How awesome! You get some of the neatest birds at your feeder. Me, I would get chickens. Oh wait I get chickens without a feeder, lol. I just love these pictures when you share them. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  2. He is Beautiful! Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day! Will you be coming my way in a couple weeks?

  3. Pretty Bird :)
    Hope you have a nice Mother's Day!!

