Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mt. Vernon Trip.

Mike's mother came for a visit this past weekend.

We decided to take a trip to George Washington's estate Mount Vernon.

The three of us in front of Mount Vernon

Bett and Me

The three of us with the Potomoc River in the background

Grandma & Griffin

We took a boat ride on the Potomoc River ... this is Mt. Vernon from the river's view

Just a cute picture of our sweet boy

They had a few farm animals on the estate including this sheep

The bull was funny ... he was scratching himself on the tree

This is a view of the river from the house ... spectacular isn't it?

A view of the river side of the house

This was Griffin's favorite part ... the blacksmith.

It was amazing walking around the estate. Several times I realized how very lucky I was to be there. Imagine walking on the same soil that George Washington once walked on. It gave me chills!


  1. Looks like a great time. I just loved visiting all the old places in history. I went with a group when April was in school and would love to return.

  2. I would love this place. I'm like you..imagine walking where past people did. Of course we do it every day and don't think about it. You would absolutely love New England...there are many places like this there. I'm so glad you guys had a great time.

  3. Awesome - we haven't made it there yet, but I bet you guys would also love Pampelin Park http://www.pamplinpark.org/ for its civil war history - they have lots of activities related to the plantation, with kid-friendly things all around. The kids loved the room where bullets whiz past you the best ;-)
    Man, he's gotten so tall! Great pix
