Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Seeds Are Planted.

This past weekend Mike worked hard on getting the ground ready to plant our garden. He broke up the ground with the tractor, plowed the rows and tilled the mounds.

It was hard work ... but he did it!

Finally it was time to plant the seeds in the ground.

Griffin enjoyed helping Daddy dig the little holes and place two seeds in each hole.

After two days of intensely hard work ... all the seeds have been planted.

We have 12 rows with 14 different vegetables. We've planted a tomato garden all by itself. I did that a couple of weeks ago.

We are keeping our fingers crossed for a bountiful garden.

I'm going to learn how to can and put vegetables up in the freezer.

I'm SO excited!


  1. I remember my parents planting a garden every year. And my Aunt Weze...her's was HUGE! I was always too lazy or busy to help. Diana and Wade planted a garden. I'm not sure what they planted. Diana is very excited about it. I wish we could plant one in our yard. But there really is no place to do it now that we have 5 dogs that "own" the backyard, lol.

  2. Anonymous9:06 AM

    that is awesome...i want to do that next year!!! we have the land for it...but need to move a couple of trees and lots underbrush first!!! it makes me nervous...because the first year we lived here and i tried to clean it out...i ended up with poison ivy on my face!!!

    jen from pa
