Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Monday.

It is a happy Monday, indeed!

Mike has been out of town alot lately but he's home ALL week this week. That makes for a GREAT start to the week.

Mike had an EAA (experimental aircraft) meeting in New Kent on Saturday so Griffin and I went with him. While Mike was at the meeting Griffin and I found a park and hung out. Then we picked Mike up and went to lunch. Followed by a trip to Tractor Supply. When leaving Tractor Supply we saw a helicopter make an emergency landing on a patch of grass right near the parking lot. Pilot & passenger were okay. Thank goodness!

Isn't Griffin cute in his goggles? He calls them his glasses. He's such a silly boy! This picture really has nothing to do with today's post except of course it makes me "happy" to see my silly boy doing silly things.

Another silly picture. He put his cars in a circle the other day on the porch. I asked him what he was doing and he said they were playing duck-duck-goose. LOL.

Okay ... so on with the weekend.

When we got home on Saturday Mike plowed the rows for our garden this year. Then he and I went about trying to break up the clay/dirt on the mounds it created. That was a very hard task!

Sunday morning we finished up by tilling the ground and planting the seeds. We have planted a pretty large garden and hope to have a mighty harvest this year.

Griffin is going back to school today after enjoying Spring Break last week.

It's a Happy Monday for sure!


  1. Happy Monday! Griffin is sure growing up, he looks so grown with his goggles on I mean glasses! LOL

    Have a Great Week!

  2. Great pictures. Always a good thing to start Mondays with a smile. Thanks.
