Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Griffin has grown in many different ways while attending preschool.

I remember being very torn about whether or not I should let him attend. So many of his friends started preschool the year before him (they were a year older) and the moms assured me it was a positive experience for their children.

When Griffin was three he started preschool. And my goodness ... it was the BEST decision ever!

He has grown so much academically and socially. It has been the MOST amazing experience for him.

Tomorrow he and I will go to the elementary school to register him for kindergarden. Kindergarden. Can you believe that? Already!

I'm still amazed every day when he comes home from school and shares what he has learned that day. I'm still amazed each and every time he writes his name. Just look at this.

He's a name writer, alright!

When he began to write his name his teachers explained he had a very hard name to learn to write with the G and the F's. He puts his own spin on writing his name, sort of his "trademark" lettering.

My baby is growing up ... in just a few short months he will no longer be a preschooler ... he'll be a kindergardner!

1 comment:

  1. It's one of the highlights of his and your life. Savor every moment.
