Monday, March 08, 2010

The Zoo.

We woke up to an absolutely glorious day on Saturday. The sky was blue, most of the snow has melted from our yard and warmer weather!

So ... we went on one of our favorite adventures. The zoo!

Our first stop is always to see the giraffes. So with giraffe kibbles in hand we stopped by to say hello to our tall, spotted friends.

They were definitely ready for a little snack.

The next stop was to the bird sanctuary. We've never been to this exhibit before. The reason? I'm petrifide of birds. Those that know me know my fear of frogs ... well, let's just say birds are right up there with the frog.

I couldn't let my fear stand in the way of Griffin getting to experience this. So, I went in with him. And you know what? It wasn't that bad.

You could buy these little popsicle sticks with this sticky stuff and birdseed on them. If you held them out the birds would come in to eat.

Griffin had a ball doing this ... just look at his face!

Okay ... so I'm kinda digging the birds right now. Aren't they pretty? I do not want one to land on me nor will I hold out one of those little popsicle sticks for them to land on. I will however go in the bird sanctuary so my little boy can enjoy this experience.

Off we went to feed the farm animals. Griffin loved this llama. He said he was fuzzy and soft.

Oh my gosh ... these camels were hilarious! The caretaker was in the pen with them and apparently it's the end of mating season. They had this foamy, slobbery stuff all over their mouths. Apparently it's a sign of aggression. It was hilarious to see.

Just in case you didn't get a good enough look ... LOL. Griffin and I named this one Bubba.

Okay ... so I can't leave you with the foamy, gooey camel picture. Instead I will leave you with a picture of these pretty flamingos. Everytime I see them they remind me of home. Of course we didn't have flamingos running around our yard in Florida. Chickens yes ... flamingos no. But they still remind me of home.


  1. What a great way to spend a day. I would have loved the birds with Griffin. The birds in the pictures are parakeets and my grandparents has some. The foamy stuff on the camels would have grossed me out. Love the flamingos. We saw some at Sea World yesterday, which I will post about when I get home, if the computer co-operates, lol.

  2. Looks like ya'll had a great day! I bet the birds were cool, especially to see so up close and personal, but I would probably been a little freaked on the inside We might have to make a little trip to Richmond soon!

  3. I feel like I have been at the zoo with you. Thank you so much for sharing your day. I had no idea you were afraid of birds or frogs for that matter.

    Happy Monday!

  4. Fun Fun Fun. I want to go next time!

  5. What a fun day! My son used to be afraid of the birds landing on his head (and pooping), so he would always insist on wearing his hood. Good plan! Thanks for sharing your day. Glad you had such a good time!
