Thursday, March 25, 2010

Frozen Juice Pops.

The other day while I was occupied doing something Griffin was in the kitchen busy himself. All of a sudden he came up to me and said okay Mommy I'm ready to make frozen juice pops.

He had watched an episode of Special Agent Oso and the assignment was to make frozen juice pops. He knew everything to get out of the cupboards and he had almost gotten them all out ... Koolaid, toothpicks, saran wrap. All we need to complete our assignment was something to mix the Koolaid in and something to pour the liquid in.

He was very proud of himself ... I couldn't say no.

As you can see in this picture he also got the salt, tape dispenser and Glad bags out. He was prepared.

Mixing up the Koolaid ...

Since we do not have ice trays I had to find something to use ... ah hah! The mini cupcake pan did the job. After pouring the Koolaid in the pan we covered it with plastic wrap and stuck toothpicks in the middle of each one.

We put them in the freezer for a few hours and they turned into frozen juice pops. I have made the mistake of calling them ice pops and popsicles. Griffin corrects me each time and makes sure I know they are frozen juice pops.

This truly was a fun thing to do with my little guy.

What's our next assignment Special Agent Oso?


  1. I remember doing the same thing with my Mama when I was little. She actually bought us some Popsicle trays that came with plastic spoons. I wish I knew where that was, not even sure you can still buy them. I love that Griffin was prepared with his tape, salt and ziploc bags. Never know what problem might

  2. Try orange juice! It's really good that way!

  3. We used small paper cups when I was a kid and when my kids were little. I believe Tupperware still makes the popsicle ones and if I'm not mistaken you can find them at Walmart too. I have seen them somewhere, so yes, you can still buy them.

  4. Anonymous12:53 PM

    that is just too cute!!! i love that he got all the stuff himself and how could you really say no!!!

    jen from pa
