Monday, February 01, 2010

This Is For Griffin.

When I started this blog I never knew how much it would come to mean to me.

Over the years I've shared things we've done, places we've been and just ordinary things.

Last night it finally dawned on me ... my blog is for Griffin.

As a child losing my mother at such a young age well it truly made an impact on me. I so wish I had memories of times with my mother. But, sadly I do not. Every once in awhile I'll remember something but it's very rare.

When Griffin is older he will be able to come back to my blog and see everything we've done together. Even though he may not remember he'll have pictures and my words.

Of course I aim to be around for a very long time and I'll be able to help him remember myself ... but you know ... just in case.

This year is kind of a tough year for me. My mother passed away when she was 43. This September I'll be 43. I feel like if I can just reach that birthday I've accomplished something.

I want to be around for a very long time to see my son grow into the man and father I know he will become. I look forward to that.

I guess I'm just feeling a little emotional this morning.


  1. I never thought about the blog being a memory maker for the younger generation, but you are right. Griffin will be able to look back on it and see everything you have done and accomplished. 43 was a hard year for your brother too. He had gall bladder surgery and it scared him to death. You will be ARE going to be around to be one of the best Nana's (next to me of course ,lol).

  2. Jodie9:28 AM

    My heart feels for you. One of my biggest fears is dying and leaving my girls with no mother. I think it started because my Dad was diagnosed with cancer a month before I had Liberty. I was 6 months pregnant with Trinity when he died. Losing a parent at 37 was terrible so I cannot even begin to imagine what it was like for you so young. I only "know" you through your blog, but I know that in spite of that loss at such a young age, you turned out to be a fabulous person! I don't have anyone else who I have become friends with through a blog! You are such a caring and creative person, and you inspired me to do my blog for my girls. If we lived in the same area, I would definitely have made you meet me in person so we could be in-person friends as well as online friends!

  3. It's OK to have those days we all do. That is one of the reason Judi and I are doing this album, for our kids, so they will know things we wished for them and the things we experienced with them and before them!

    Happy Monday!

  4. OMG Missy. Your post brought tears to my eyes. You are so right though, it is a way of preserving memories. I'm going to start back blogging tonight when I get home! I have kept up with reading everybody's and the occasional post but WHAT HAVE I DONE FOR COREY? What is in my reading of everybody else's that will remind him of what he means to me and our family?

    Thanks for the eye opener!

  5. You need to make a blog book Missy so you have a hard copy to look back on.
