Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Father's Night

Griffin's preschool hosted Father's Night and the boys went together.

I took this picture of them after they returned home and they had changed into comfy clothes.

Their evening consisted of a wonderful spaghetti dinner and building a Dog Treat box courtesy of Lowe's. They built the dog treat box together and Griffin earned his very first Lowe's patch. I need to sew that on the Lowe's apron they gave him. He also came home with the cutest set of goggles.

Griffin made Daddy a cool Father's Night card and Mike has it proudly displayed on his desk.

It's interesting to watch Griffin's behavior when they get home from doing something just the two of them. It's almost like this major sense of pride pours from every single ounce of him. It's adorable.

I love my boys and I'm so glad they had such a good time together.

1 comment:

  1. What a great way for them to spend some "guy" time together. I'm glad Mike was able to go and enjoy it with Griffin.
