Monday, January 11, 2010

Spammer Comments.

The past couple of weeks I've been having a problem with spammer comments left on my blog.

Just yesterday I had one left for 25 different posts. I went in and deleted them, but seriously this is getting old.

Why is this happening? Is it happening to anyone else?

I really do not want to change to word verification or have to go in and approve each comment left ... but gosh ... I'm getting tired of the spam.

I love comments ... from my friends and visitors ... but NOT spammers!

Any suggestions?


  1. I would try word verification, I know its a pain I hate it myself, but what are ya gonna do! I so dislike Spammers!

  2. I have been getting quite a few lately too. Not sure why and it's mostly on some very old posts. I did like you and deleted them. I don't know if blogger can do anything about it. I hate word verification, so I probably will just put up with the spam.

  3. I am getting them too in alot of the older posts and mostly in foreign..I hate word verification too but i am not sure what we can do??

  4. I don't have a problem with you adding the word verification. I have it on mine and maybe that is why my comments have slacked...who knows, but I can't stand spam. Good luck with it!
