Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snow Turns To ICE.

I love when the snow is falling ... I love the first day when it's white and fluffy ... I love getting out in the snow to play with Griffin.

But then ...

... it turns to ICE.

That ... I do NOT love.

Although the main roads (interstate/state roads) are pretty clear to drive, our private road and the secondary road leading up to our private road is not clear. It's pure ice. It's almost impossible to get out.

I sure hope the sun shines bright today to melt some of this ice!

I wanted to share a couple of pictures of Griffin attempting to slide down his slide.

The snow was so deep he went OVER the snow instead of through it!

We are sending warm winter wishes your way ...


  1. Hi Missy, I found your blog through Cecile and I have loved reading your snow stories. I am in MB, SC and with not any chance of scow it has been lots of fun looking at yours. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Hey Missy, Thanks for sharing all the great pictures. It looks like Griffin was lovin' it.


  3. I just love the picture of Griffin trying to slide. How funny. And I'm sorry, but I love the icicles hanging off the houses, but not the ice on the roads. I think icicles hanging off the houses is pretty, especially when the sun sparkles on them.
