Thursday, December 31, 2009

Looking Back At 2009.

Today is the last year of 2009 ...

I thought I would share some of my favorite memories from this past year.

I decided to share one picture from each month of the year that meant a lot to me. Some months were harder than others to choose just one picture and one memory.

We had some fun times, new experiences, travels and unexpected delights this past year.

January 2009
My word of the year for 2009 was nurture. My goal was to nurture those things that meant the most to me. Of course friendship means alot to me. Here you see Griffin, Sam and Darius hanging out enjoying their popsicles. While Griffin was having a good time with his buddies, I got to nurture my friendship with their wonderful mothers Carol and Keisha.

February 2009
We visited the farm several times this year. Griffin loves going down there to see all of the animals and enjoy the quite farm life.

March 2009
Mike took a business trip over seas. He went to Taiwan for two weeks and experienced a whole new world and culture.

April 2009
We went to Disney World! This was Griffin's first trip to Disney and he loved it. We were lucky enough to spend the day there with Grandma Bett.

May 2009
Griffin played soccer for the first time. Learning the rules, listening to the coach and being part of a team were great learning experiences for him. The best part? He enjoyed it and played again in the fall.

June 2009
We spent alot of time at the YMCA pool this summer. Griffin learned to swim under water (he taught himself). He enjoyed spending time in the sun with friends from school.

July 2009
We spent the Fourth of July weekend in our nation's capital. Wow. To experience our nation's birthday in Washington DC was beyond words. We LOVED it!

August 2009
The park ... when we weren't at the pool we were at the park. Griffin learned to ride his bicycle this year and enjoys riding on the basketball courts at the park.

September 2009
Mike passed his private pilot's test! We were so very proud of his achievement! He worked very hard for this!

October 2009
Apple picking ... our first time ever. It was so much fun to drive up the mountain and pick apples directly from the trees. They were the BEST apples ever!

November 2009
Griffin's first trip to a Florida beach. We went to Clearwater Beach and he enjoying jumping in the waves and seeing the dolphins swimming not too far from us.

December 2009
The Blizzard of 2009 ... with 20" of snow we experienced our second snowstorm of the year (the first was in March). It was beautiful and we had many fun times in the snow building a snowman, throwing snowballs and sledding.

We say a fond fairwell to 2009 and look forward to an amazing 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some great memories from the past year. I would have too many to mention. Looking forward to seeing what the new year brings.
