Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Happy December!

Hi everyone ... yes ... I'm still alive.

And if you still come by to visit my blog I am very greatful!

November was a very busy month for me ... and with December here now (happy new month!) we will be preparing for Christmas.

We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving with our family in Florida. I actually put the camera down and enjoyed myself. I did take a few pictures and will share those soon.

I always love it when I turn the calendar to a new month.

I've been thinking of Ali Edward's yearly challenge to think of a word or phrase that you hope to achieve and live by in the new year.

I have mine already ...

live in the moment.

That's what I intend to do ... not starting January 1, 2010 ... but right, today December 1, 2009.


  1. It was good seeing you. And I like your "Live in the moment". We should all do that.

  2. I have been thinking of my new word as well. "Live in the moment" is a good one.

  3. Love your new words to live by I so wish I could do that I just seem to worry past each moment and before I know it the moments are passing me by:)Okay, I am really gonna try this::)

  4. I have been so out of touch for awhile in many ways, including the blogs. I really would LOVE to catch up and read through all my favorite bloggers like you.
    Hope you are happy and healthy over there! Sounds like life is good!
    Joie de Vivre!
