Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Boys' First Airplane Ride Together.

Sunday Mike and Griffin took their first airplane ride together.

Griffin was Mike's first official passenger since earning his private pilot's license. It was also Griffin's first airplane ride in a small airplane.

The boys had such fun together ... it was the perfect fall day to do this!

Mike and Griffin doing the pre-flight inspection on the aircraft.

Griffin thinks everything looks like a "go".

All buckled up and ready to fly!

There they go ... my boys getting ready to taxi down the runway!

Woo Hoo ... look at 'em go!

And back safely on the ground.

I'm so glad they could do this together!


  1. What an awesome experience for Griffin and I know that Mike loves telling people that his first official co-pilot was Griffin! What a great Daddy and Son moment that will last forever!

  2. What a great time for Griffin. He will never forget this day.

  3. That is way Cool and a car seat on a plane, who would have thunk it!!

    Safety First!
    When do you get to go up???

  4. Oh My!!That is way cool!!I know you will put that experience on a scrapbook page:)

  5. That was an awesome day of "firsts" for your family. And what a great memory for both of them and you. AWESOME!!!
