Thursday, September 10, 2009

Visiting Lake Anna State Park.

After Griffin finished his first day of school and played with his friends on the playground we came home for a good & hearty lunch with Daddy.

We then decided we would go to Lake Anna State Park for some afternoon fun.

We weren't sure if the park would still be open since it was after Labor Day. We decided to go ahead and drive over anyway.

Upon entering the park we came across this beautiful baby dear. Although we have deer on our property frequently, I haven't been able to get a good picture because of the screens on our windows. I was very pleased to get this up close shot of this sweet little guy.

We stopped by the park office and spoke with the park ranger. She said swimming was closed for the season, but we could go down and enjoy the sand and get in the water about ankle deep. Just no swimming. That worked for us because all Griffin wanted to do was splash and play in the sand anyway.

Isn't it pretty? This is the swimming area at the park. We will definitely be going back when it's open for swimming which is Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Griffin LOVED being out there in the sand and water

We built sand castles. Yes, I strategically cropped this picture of me ... LOL.

Here he's pushing up the sand as he said a tractor digger would

Loving this picture of him covered in sand

You can't go to the "beach" and not write your name in the sand

G r i f f i n ... I wrote this one, but he put a good effort into writing his name himself

Daddy and Griffin taking a walk along the shore

My handsome husband!

This is my favorite picture of the day ...

We had such fun ... can't wait to go back when it's warmer.

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