Sunday, September 06, 2009

Life Can Change In An Instant.

LIFE ...

Life can change in an instant and I can say my family had the experience of that almost happening yesterday.

I did type ALMOST ... and I'm so greatful it was an ALMOST.

We went to the Louisa County Fly-In yesterday for a little family fun. I will blog more about this later.

When we were headed to a restaurant for lunch, we were on a two lane road that was very busy due to the fly-in. The truck ahead of us stopped to make a left hand turn. We were at a complete stop behind him. All of a sudden Mike says to me "Watch out Baby ... hold on". I didn't know what he was talking about. Something told me to look in the side mirror and then I knew what was happening. A truck was coming up behind us, full speed ahead. He did not see we were stopped behind someone.

I braced myself, not knowing what was going to happen. Griffin was in the back seat oblivious to what was happening. All of a sudden this truck comes zooming beside me on the right, in the grass ... nearly missing us, the telephone pole and the ditch. Once he got passed us and next to the car that was still trying to make the left hand turn he stopped. I could tell he was scared. We were scared. I was scared. Mike was scared.

If that truck had hit us at the rate of speed he was going and with us at a complete stop ... well, I'm pretty sure the back of the van would have been kissing the front of the van.

I'm just greatful he decided to go to the right of us in the grass. He obviously was not paying attention. I hope that scared the hell out of him. I know it did me.

Sometimes I think we can all get in too much of a hurry. Why the heck does everyone drive so fast? SLOW DOWN! Pay attention for goodness sake.

Someone's life is much more important than going too fast.

My family and others could have been seriously hurt ... or worse ... yesterday.

Life truly can change in an instant.

Thank you God for looking after us.


  1. WOW So glad this had a happy ending. People drive way too fast and are in such a hurry these days. Slow down people and enjoy the day!!!!

    Happy Sunday Missy!

  2. OMG...I know that scared the Be-Jesus out of ya'll. I am so glad everyone is ok. I had a similar thing to happen to me and my Mom when I had my learner's permit. Thank goodness all is well!

  3. OMG Missy......I am so glad it turned out that definitely were lucky......

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    so glad that everyone is alright!!! i know that can be really scary!!!

    jen from pa

  5. OMG Missy I am so glad that you and the boys are okay that is scary and little Griffin in the back must have freaked you out???I think I might have had to get out of the van and kicked some booty..j/k..I know you were to thankful that your family was okay to think about that but that is the first thing I though about when I finished reading your scary story!! God is so good!!Hugs!!

  6. oh my gosh, thank God you guys weren't hit. Your angels were definitely surrounding you guys that day.
    What a great message to everyone, just Slow Down.
    hugs, and thx for the message, I'll check out that link!
    deb xOxO

  7. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I truly believe that all things happen for a reason Missy....and it was to your advantage for sure!

  8. I'm so glad that you guys are okay. Yes everyone seems to be in a hurry these days and not paying attention because they are texting or TALKING on cellphones. Sorry Missy but I hope this also makes you think twice about talking on your cellphone. You may think you're paying attention, but like the truck behind you, all it takes is a second. I am so glad you guys are all okay. Love you.

  9. Missy I am so glad you are all OK. I am sure lots of prays have been said in the last few days.

  10. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Eeek! I am so glad to hear that the driver had the response to drive off the road. How scary, my heart thumped harder reading that story. After things like that, we always say, it's time to restart our hearts, back to the regular heartbeat.

    I wish we had known you were at the air show, so were my my hubby and our oldest. 'Brad' and I were napping at the in-laws.
