Wednesday, September 02, 2009

John Deere Boy.

Some of you may recall our neighbor Grayson gifted Griffin with his John Deere Gator he had outgrown.

This was right around Christmas time and quite honestly he wanted NOTHING to do with it. Every time he would see it he would ask me if he could take it back to Grayson. He had ridden on one various times at different friend's homes. I'm not sure if something happened to scare him or what.

Well, on Sunday we were taking a little ride around our neighborhood in Daddy's buggy and he saw kids riding a little buggy like his. He looked over at me and said "Mommy I want to ride my John Deere Buggy".

Wow ... I was just really surprised. I said okay buddy as soon as we get home we'll get it out for you.

He LOVED it ... he's been riding it ever since.

Sometimes peer pressure can be a good thing.

This picture just makes me happy. It's not centered ... but just look at the smile on his face! He's so happy.

Ooops ... he got stuck in one of the olive bushes. Mommy to the rescue.

He and Daddy took a little spin in the road.

Loving this picture of Mike's proud face looking at his boy on his John Deere Buggy!

He was up the hills, down the hills, back and forth ... he road all over the yard.

Sometimes we just have to allow our kids to experience things in their own time. It took 8 months to get there, but he decided when it was time to ride his John Deere Buggy.

Guess we'll be getting it out again today.


  1. I am sure he will wear it out now! Great pictures and smiles :o)

  2. Great pictures. And you are right, they will do things in their own time. He looks really happy driving his gator.

  3. I love the pictures, especially the one of him backed up in the bushes! My girls loved their cars like that. It took them a while to learn how to steer it.
