Friday, July 03, 2009

We Are A Lucky Bunch.

We are country folk and the simple things in life bring us the most joy.

Such as ....

Going for a walk ...

Meeting the new twin baby goats on the farm ...

Racing with a friend ...

Swinging ...

Taking a ride in the buggy ...

A little off roading ...

Some cool mushroom finding ...

A little pond viewing ...

And LOTS of family loving!!

We are a lucky bunch, indeed.


  1. Enjoy your family!!!!!!You live in a beautiful part of the country::)
    Happy 4th of July to you and your family!!

  2. Happy 4th of July! Loved that post.

  3. AHH Country life, simple and sweet!

  4. Not only are you lucky but you are a loving and much loved bunch! Thought I'd better get back here for a visit or I would be seeing a post about Griffin graduating fron High School...yikes. The time just goes by way to fast. I used to be so proud of my blog and posting so often. Not really sure what happened there.

    Hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend.

    Hugs, Andi

  5. Life is good. I wish more people felt that way and took the time to slow down and see that, don't you?
