Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Little More Putt-Putt Golf

We had so much fun putt-putt golfing the other day we decided to go back yesterday!

We were joined by Hannah, Zachary, Sarah and Sam ... it was a beautiful day for a little putt-putt.

My guy by his favorite hole ... the windmill!

Love this picture of Carol. I'm very excited for the children at Griffin's preschool because Carol will begin teaching there this coming fall. She is such a patient, kind, loving person. She's loads of fun too!

Happy Thursday everyone!


  1. What fun! We are definitely going when you come down. Jerome and I usually go to the one by Old Town, but Disney has a couple of cool ones on their property that we've played. I think I'm going to see if Jerome wants to go play this weekend.

  2. I love Putt Putt! Looks like they all had a great time, even Carol!
