Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kings Dominion.

We had the pleasure of going to Kings Dominion Amusement Park with our friends Heidi, Ryan and Evan. It was our first visit and we had a fantastic day!

Kings Dominion is actually two parks in one. It's an amusement park with rides and characters from Nickolodean such as Dora the Explorer, Sponge Bob Square Pants (ick!) and even Scooby Doo. There is also 20 acre water park too. We first enjoyed the ride side and then we ended up over at the water park. I have zero pictures of the water park because we put our purses in a locker so we could enjoy the water without worrying about our belongings.

Look at the smiles on Ryan and Griffin faces as they ride the roller coaster ... this was the theme of the day. Lots of fun, smiles, giggles and laughter!

The boys enjoyed riding these little cars ... and they were very good about obeying the traffic rules.

Ryan and Evan riding a space ship ...

Griffin on the same ride ... of course he chose the helicopter!

I just had to share this ... the food was SO expensive in the park. We were lucky enough to get food inside (peanut butter, bread, chips, grapes, apples, etc). They didn't even look in that bag! Water was $3.75 a BOTTLE! As we were eating our food I was teasing Heidi we were going to get in trouble for having contraband food in the park.

The swings ... the boys were BORED to death with this ride. Can you see Ryan asking the lady if she could make it go faster?

Our sweet boys all lined up, waiting patiently to ride the bumper cars.

Bump, Bump .... Crash ... on the bumper cars.

After a long exhausting day it was time to head home

But before we headed home ... the boys were SO good, they earned a special "laser" toy on the way out.

Thanks for such a great day!


  1. Looks like loads of FUN,FUN,FUN! You got lucky being able to "sneak" some food in. $3.75 is RIDICULOUS for water...especially from a vending machine. WOW! Glad you guys got to go off and have a great time with great friends.

  2. How cute! Their faces on the roller coaster, priceless!!!!!!!!!

  3. I can see from the pictures ya'll had a wonderful time! I'm back...on the internet that is. I have a weeks worth of blog reading to catch up on. Of course I started with yours!

  4. I'm glad you all had so much fun!

    I hear you ran into Kristie & Robert as well. Isn't that something!
    They have season passes and have been there about 7 times so far this summer!

    You saw the pix from the trip Correne & I made with the kids on FB.

  5. It looks like you all had a fun day!! I have been to that park a few years ago.

  6. Look how cute they are!!! I know they had a great time. Love the last picture!

  7. I have enjoyed looking at your summer adventures even though I don't always have time to comment..Continue to have an awesome summer with G and all of your circle of friends!!You are so lucky to have such good friends so close to you!!Enjoy them you deserve it!!

  8. What wonderful pictures Missy! I love the one of the boys on the roller coaster!

    Hey, I sneak a bottle of water into the movies every time we go...and I've even been known to take my own Milk Duds. I can buy them on sale for $1 a box at Walgreens and at the theatre they're like $3 or $4. Haven't resorted to taking contraband popcorn yet...I think they might sniff me out...yikes!
