Monday, July 06, 2009

Fourth Of July In Washington, DC

We had the absolute pleasure of spending the Fourth of July in Washington, DC.

It was such an amazing trip and over the next few posts I would like to share our trip with you.

Hang on for a whirlwind visit in our nation's capital!

After arriving in Washington, DC on Friday evening we decided to first visit the Lincoln Memorial.

It is such a moving experience to be there ...

The Lincoln Memorial ... if you look closely at his hands folklore says his left hand is signing the letter A and his right hand is signing the letter L for Abraham Lincoln.

Such a beautiful message

A closer look ...

Our little family in front of the memorial

I love this picture of Mike and Griffin sitting under some of the inscribed words

I thought I would share a picture looking out from the Lincoln Memorial over the reflecting pond you can see the Washington Monument and the United States Capital. In this picture you can see some of the huge crowd that was there.

And a closer view of the same scene ...

Next we visited the Vietnam War Memorial Wall ...


  1. Looks like you guys had fin. THX for sharing the pics!!! xOxO

  2. I meant fun, DANG fingernails!!! xoxox

  3. Thanks for aharing your wonderful pics I know y'all had a great time and I am so happy for you and your sweet family:)Have a great week!!

  4. Wow! I just read over all of your posts abut DC. That's great that you were up there for the 4th!
    I haven't don that since I was in my late teens and had an aunt who lived in Old Town Alexandria. We stayed with her for the activities of the 4th in DC. I remember a fantastic festival on the Mall but I also remember it was too HOT that day! Luckily she had a sailboat and we were able to go out on it to see the fireworks.

  5. What a wonderful experience Missy! I too hope to visit Washington DC sometime...maybe even this year. I love your photos.
