Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday Challenge.

I have a challenge for you this morning ...

Go to your refrigerator, open the door, take a picture exactly as your refrigerator looks right now. Don't move anything around. Post your picture and share what's in there.

Here's mine ...

Top Shelf:
Two gallons of milk and two gallons of brewed iced tea

Second Shelf:
Country Crock, Griffin's juice boxes, sugar free pudding, leftover pasta shells, baked beans that I picked up from Walmart so we can BBQ later this week

Deli Drawer:
Lots of cold cuts, cheeses and alot of cheese sticks. Mike worked at a plant and they sent a whole case of cheese sticks home with him.

Third Shelf:
Grapes, leftover chicken casserole, cut up apples, leftover steamed broccoli, and leftover shrimp pasta sauce

Fourth Shelf:
Lettuce, Leftover taco fixings (we had that for dinner last night), leftover yellow rice, and our bread. I've been keeping the bread in the refrigerator lately because it tends to mold easily during the summer months.

Where I keep our onions, potatos and water bottles

Shelving to the side:
Condiments, our creams, a 3rd (yes 3rd! gallon of milk), Diet Pepsi, Diet Sierra Mist and Apple Juice that Griffin will not drink.

That's it folks ... are you up for the challenge?


  1. LOL, this made me laugh!

  2. fridge is kinda bare right now since we just got back from our mini-vacation. BTW...we need milk! lol If I remember, I will do this. I have never put my potatoes and onions in the fridge before.

  3. Are you crazy.... I need to clean the thing. :) I was just looking in there yesterday night thinking I need to do something with it.

    Missy, you look like you have a system going on in that-there fridge. Very clean and organized.

  4. There is NO WAY I'm taking a picture of my fridge! lol
    As I was hunting for something to snack on last night I thought, "This thing is a mess, I need to do a total cleaning".
    Yours looks clean, neat and organized....the total opposite of ours. (btw, I share the fridge with Laura's it's not just "my" mess lol)

  5. Ours is empty and needs cleaning (glad I'm not the only one). So I don't think I'm sharing anything lol.

  6. Is it ok to recycle if we're really does still look like this a few months later, honest ;-) Just different leftovers and a few more summer treats!

  7. I've gotten far behind on reading my friend's blogs, like yours. Not sure I want to do this picture request but maybe I will, once I get up from this chair! I am exhausted!
    Cute idea though.
