Sunday, May 03, 2009

What A Surprise!

Over the years I've been blessed to make some really great online friends.

As time goes by we sometimes lose touch with those that touch our lives, however we never forget them.

Imagine my surprise when I received a comment on my blog from my sweet long time friend
Deb Famularo.

It's been years since we've touched base. I was thrilled!

At one point Deb had an online business called "Button Kisses". She made paper piecings and embellished them with buttons and rhinestones. She was one of the first (if not the absolute first) to do this.

Her designs were cute and delightful.

I borrowed this picture from her blog (hope you don't mind
Deb). It's a wonderful mesh of her current style using some of her darling "Button Kisses" designs from the past.

Deb is a doll ... and absolute D.O.L.L.

If you have a moment stop by her very inspiring blog by clicking

Happy Sunday!


  1. Isn't it great to find old friends all over again?! I felt that way when my friend MaryAnne from high school found me. Now we keep in touch pretty regular through myspace.

  2. This is awesome Missy I know that I am so blessed to have met You and Bonnie and other great people on the net..Your friend is so very talented and inspiring so thanks for sharing her blog with us:)

  3. Ummmm....I think it's really YOU who is the DOLL girl! How sweet of you to post this! So happy you are still making your beautiful creations Missy!!!!! Almost wants to make me start punchin' again, but you are the true QUEEN of punch art!!!! So happy to have conencted with you again!!!!! xOxO deb
