Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sing Me A Song ...

Tuesday night Griffin celebrated the end of the school year with a singing program at his school.

It was wonderful.

Ms. Jennifer prepared a slide show of the school year for us to watch.

Throughout the year the teachers had put together a scrapbook of their school work, art work and pictures of them doing various activities. I will treasure this forever!

The social hall's walls were decorated with life sized drawings of the children. They were so cute! This is Griffin's. He's wearing the shirt that Ms. Heidi got him for his birthday ... they'll make a movie about me someday. LOL. How fitting.

Here's our little guy performing one of the songs. I have to say my favorite part of the program was when they said The Pledge of Allegiance and then sang The Star Spangled Banner.

A picture of our little family ... Griffin was being silly. Mmmmmpf ... if he'd been looking I may have been able to use this one for a new blog header. =)

Daddy and Griffin eating some snacks under the tree.

It was great fun ... thank you to the teachers, Ms. Jennifer and Pastor Tony for a terrific school year.

p.s. Ray Jr. is doing okay. They ran a bunch of tests on him and have found no reason for the mini stroke. He should be out of the hospital today. Thank you for your prayers.


  1. Glad to hear Ray is doing better.
    I love the life size drawings the kids do. So cute

  2. What a great night out for you guys. I loved the art work. And I'd use that picture of you three anyways, it's just showing Griffin to be the little boy that he is. I'm glad to hear Ray is doing better.

  3. What a great night ya'll had. The artwork was cute! I am glad to hear your brother-in-law is doing well.

  4. I can't believe how much Griffin has grown over the course of the school year. Glad you had a fun family night. It is good to know that Ray is better.

  5. The life size drawing looks like him!! How cool is that.

  6. I'm so glad to hear about Ray Jr. And your little guy is adorable Missy! Still can't believe he was a baby last we talked!!!! The life size artwork is very cool!!!!Hope your family has a wonderful holiday weekend! xOxO

  7. I'm glad to hear that your brother in law is doing better. That must have been scary.
    I love the life sized drawings of the kids. The one of Griffin is posed just like the picture of Griffin right below! That's too cute!
