Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Poplar Tree Blossoms.

We have this tree in our yard, we think it's a poplar tree.

Come springtime it has the most beautiful flowers bloom on it.

I took this picture of the tree this morning ... it's pretty misty outside, so it's not the best of pictures.

Isn't this just the prettiest flower? It's bright yellow with orange highlights on it.

We've never seen anything like it ...

And a closer look at the blossom ...

Can anyone confirm this is a poplar tree?


  1. It's a tulip poplar, info here: http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/flowerpower/poplar.html. We ate at a restaurant the other day and these blooms were all over the place, like a carpet - beautiful!

  2. What a beautiful tree. And now you know what it is. The trees up north are so different from the trees here. I just love that tree. The blossoms are so pretty and colorful.

  3. Those flowers on it are really pretty! What a great tree to have in your yard.

  4. Thats a nice blossom ya got on your tree there Lady. (lol), course now I gotta go take a pic of the first Magnolia blossom on MY tree just off my Patio. (lol)

  5. Wow, I don't know what kind of tree that is, but I don't think they're here in TX! And those are beautiful photos btw!!!!!!!!

  6. What a beautiful flower!!

  7. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I can ask my husband, you know the tree man :)
    Yes they are very pretty flowers, your pics are beautiful!
    Sorry I haven't been by lately, been down and visiting happy blogs hasn't been my priority but I'm here today :)

  8. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Gary says it looks like tulip flower but he needs to see the leaf to be sure if you want to email me a pic of the leaf

  9. Beautiful pictures and you get to look at them in your yard::))

  10. OMgosh those are so beautiful.
    I love flowering trees.
