Friday, May 01, 2009

Our Thursday.

We haven't seen our dear friends Keisha and Darius in far too long.

Yesterday after preschool we met up with them at the YMCA for some swimming fun.

It was great seeing them and catching up ... life just seems to get in the way too often these days to enjoy time with our dear friends.

I have a little story to share with you ... it made me very sad.

The other day when Griffin and I were driving to our little town to attend Mommy & Me we came upon a dog in the middle of the road that had been hit by a car. After I drove past I looked in my rear view mirror and noticed he was wagging his tail.

I put my car in reverse and pulled into one of the drive-ways to see if I could help this dog. I got out of the car to check on him ... but honestly, there was no saving him. It was SO sad. He was wagging his tail ... but way beyond my (or probably anyone else helping him).

I noticed he had a collar with phone numbers on it, so I tried calling both numbers on there to see if I could reach his owner. I thought maybe I could reach the owner and they could at least come down and get him. No one answered either number and I did not leave a message. I just didn't know what to say in a message.

I got back in the car and headed into town once again. I saw a police officer pull into the grocery store, so I pulled in after him to see what he could recommend I do. He told me to call animal control and they would take care of it. I did that. I was torn about calling the owners again last night. I know if something had happened to Wyatt (our dearly departed dalmatian) I would want to know. Mike said animal control had probably already called them.

It was such a sad situation ... out of my control ... I sure wish I could have helped that sweet little dog.

This blog post is going all over the place ...

Now, I would like your input. As you may know I've started this little thing with my scrapbook business I'm calling my "Delightful Daily Deal". At first I thought I would list those right here on this blog. Then I thought ... no ... I'll add them to my paper piecing blog. Now, I'm torn about whether or not I should add them there or here.

What do you think?

Would you like to see my "Delightful Daily Deal" listed here on my personal blog, under the daily personal post. Or would you like to see it on my Paper Piecing blog? Your opinion matters.

Hope you have a great day.


  1. I liked seeing it in your dailey blog, but only because I never think to check out you paper piecings blog. However, since they are paper piecings, you may want to put them on that blog. I'm such a big help, lol.

  2. I guess because I talked to you last night I didn't think to leave a comment about the dog. You did the right thing. You tried to call the owners, but you did get a hold of someone who could handle the situation. So know that the dog was taken care of.

  3. im so sorry to hear about the poor puppy - at least you went back and tried to help it...

  4. So sad about the dog. You are such a good person for going back and trying to help. I am sure the owners would be grateful to you for trying. I know I would if it were my Sammy Dog!

  5. It is your blog. I think you should do what ever you want. I like seeing what you have made that is new!

  6. Missy,

    I agree with Bonnie. If you put on your paper piecing blog, you are more likely to more sales. :)

    Sorry to hear about the doggy.... SO SAD! Made me tear up. You did the best that you could do. You are such a caring an wonderful person.


  7. Janet6:09 PM

    Hi Missy,
    I agree with everyone. Have them on your paper piecing blog. You will get more sales and everyone will get used to where to look.

  8. I like to see your "Daily Deal" here on this blog, but then I think I'm out voted! lol
    You did what you could for the dog Missy and Mike's right, I'm sure Animal Control probably called the owner's to let them know.
